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Evangelism Story

A Changed Man Moana Sesega, a senior officer for the National Provident Fund, rang on Friday afternoon, saying she needed to buy a gift for her husband on Father's Day, and requested that I bring some books for her to choose from. Whenever Pete (the unit leader) and I visited Moana, she was always busy and never had time to look at our books, so we just left our phone numbers for her to call us when she wasn't busy. So in answer to her call, I was happy to take along a Stampley Bible, a set of Conflict of the Ages and Today, Tomorrow and You.

As she saw the Bible, she quickly said, “I'll take it.” Then she asked about the Conflict of the Ages set and Today, Tomorrow and You. I explained to her that these books elaborate on the Bible and should be studied together with the Bible. She smiled and said, “I'll take the whole lot.”

This was a quick sale from someone whom we never tire to visit, despite her busy schedule. And each time we visited, we always offered to have a prayer with her. She happily paid cash for her books and said, “Now I can continue payments for any other books as well.”

A couple of weeks later when I visited Moana again, she was very excited to relate that her husband just loved reading “the green book” (Today, Tomorrow and You). She said he was quoting from the book all the time now and that he was indeed a changed man. He had started having family worship and shared with his family what he was reading from Today, Tomorrow and You. She was in tears as she said, “It is true, God can change a person's life. You see, I have been trying so hard to change him, but couldn't, and now the Lord has done it for me! You know,” she continued, “I feel so happy to see the change in him, and our whole family are rejoicing and we are enjoying our family life together as never before.”

She ended our visit by saying, “Please bring any other books you know would be suitable for my husband and my family. I will buy them all.” We held hands as I prayed for her family. Then she hugged me as we parted. - Puapuaga Solofa, Apia, Samoa